
1975 Ford Gran Torino Squire 400M Perf. air & exh, Arctic Claw studded - CAD3000 in Lac La Hache, BC


Seller note:

For Sale: 1975 Ford Gran Torino Squire station wagon, 400M & 3spd auto, Has edelbrock open element air filter, Thrush welded muffler (same as flowmaster 44 patent), Runs good, steering & brakes work perfect. Body in very good condition would make an easy restore project, Interior clean but stiching on leather upoulstry coming undone, besides that leather is good shape. My best judgement is the top end of motor needs to be rebuilt, it burns some oil & has hard time to start in mild cold weather unless block heater plugged in. Besides that it runs great while being driven & after its been warmed up. Brakes & steering great shape. No body damage and not rusted out, only a couple little rust spots along bottom body under doors. Daily Driver & gets alot of looks as you don't see these cars around much. Comes with New Arctic Claw winter tires 15", 235/75R15 New beginning of this winter studs still have good nipples on them & tire tread is like new.

Price is $3000, perfect easy restore candidate & is a daily driver NO LOWBALL OFFERS
if you want it you can buy it, but will not give it away, will restore it myself one day if doesn't sell

Please call [removed phone] I don't have internet at home or check emails

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