
1993 Ford F-150 Pickup Truck CERTIFIED in North Bay, ON


Seller note:

GIVE ME AN OFFER!!!!!! NEW PRICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I HAVE PUT SO MUCH MONEY IN THIS TRUCK ITS NOT EVEN FUNNY! IT NEEDS NOTHING!!! WILL COST NEXT TO NOTHING TO CERTIFY. It is amazing on gas no joke, for the age and size of tires. Which are also new by the way lol. Call and I will tell you the things replaced on it. list is to long to put in this add. I have thousands in this thing, JUST PARTS AT COST!!! I guarantee you this is the best daily driver slash 4X4 you will find. Thanks Alex Vaillancourt Cell: [removed phone] Home: [removed phone]
Reason for selling is I wanted a vehicle with more seating, my 2006 EXPLORER IS THE SAME FUEL EFFICIENCY AS THIS PICKUP!!


  • Seating
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